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Is there a way to insert a bigger pictures in org chart templates? You can barely see pictures that are added next to names because they're too small even when you alter the paper size. This somewhat defeats the purpose of creating an org chart if you're unable to see the pictures. 

Hi Arenie

Thanks for posting in the Lucidchart Community! To edit the format and style of your Org Chart please take a look at the instructions in this article in the Lucidchart Help Center. Unfortunately the options shown in this article are the only formatting options for images shape size and layout in the current Lucidchart Org Chart experience. If adjusting the formatting of your Org Chart shapes and images in this manner still cause your images to appear too small it is recommend that your split your Org Chart into smaller groups or departments when printing and print each department on one page. This will ensure that each printed page shows these groups at full size. My apologies for any inconvenience this causes. If I can answer any questions about the article linked above or about printing individual groups please let me know!
