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HI there I have a huge sitemap that I'm making but i used the orgchart template to create it beecause... well it's huge and the orgchart template can import data from an external source which I did.

I'm having issues formatting the chart though I'd like to be able to make it so that some children are vertical instead of horizontal and I can do that if I manually recreate the children but I'm hoping there is an easier way. Perhaps converting the org chart to a sitemap?

Hi Tyler

Thanks for reaching out to the Lucid community. I am sorry for the trouble that you are having creating your site map and am happy to help. Because you are editing your site map in a tool that is designed for org charts there may be some things that you are not able to do. You can change the format of the children (from horizontal to vertical or otherwise) by changing the layout-- you can read about how to do that here. Please note that you must change the layout of all of the children; this can not be done to only portions of your chart. Let me know if you have any additional questions or concerns.

Hello I'm trying to create a org chart and I need horizontal lines for departments that report to more than one person.  Please advise

Hi Kimberli

Thanks for posting in the community! This is not currently possible from within our Org Chart functionality. However if you exit Org Chart edit mode you can then add a line manually to denote this reporting relationship. If you'd like to see this functionality added in the future please let us know via our feature request form. Thanks in advance and I apologize for any inconvenience this causes you. 
