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Unfortunately I have followed all the posts about refreshing data which it does (as my org chart is connected to a google sheet) but it still does not reflect those changes on the actual visualization. I have enterprise and I need this to automatically update as we have many new hires each month and it's impossible to keep track in two places so we only want to change in google sheets. I've gotten some help from your team but they just ask to make a new sheet to test it out and they say it works. I get that. I need it to keep updating from my current sheet. 

35 licenses so far hundreds to go in the future - I need this fixed. 

Hi Jared Thanks for posting on the community!

Just to ensure that your document is linked to the correct Google Sheet and to optimize the refresh experience moving forward for your Org Chart would you please follow these steps to replace your dataset:

  1. Double click somewhere on your Org Chart to open the Org Chart menu on the right hand side of your canvas.

  2. Click on the "Manage Data" dropdown.

  3. Select Replace Dataset.

  4. Select "Google Sheets" as the data source.

  5. In the pop up box select the correct Google Sheet.

  6. Click Select.

You should now have an updated Org Chart that correctly represents your google sheet. You can use the "Refresh Dataset" functionality after any changes have been made to that google sheet to account for any updates.

If however any changes have been made directly in Lucidchart you will see the following pop up:

  1. If you want to represent your google sheet example and keep them aligned through future refreshes I would recommend selecting "Revert to Google Sheets".

  2. Select Replace Data.

If this was the case and you have now followed these additional steps you should now have an updated Org Chart that correctly represents your google sheet. You can use the "Refresh Dataset" functionality after any changes have been made to that google sheet to account for any updates.

Please feel free to follow up below or submit a ticket using our Contact Support Form if you are still having issues after following these steps and we will be happy to take a closer look. Thank you for your patience!

This still seems to be an issue. Even replace does not work for me. Any suggestions what should I do?

Hi Vinit

Can you post a screenshot of your manage data panel? 
