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I have a link to a google sheet the data is successfully uploading into the org chart but now as I update who reports to who the actual chart isn't reflecting those changes?

I refresh the data set the data set has the updated info but the org chart doesn't change. Am I missing something here?

Hello thanks for posting on the Community!

While one-time static data uploads for Org Charts are available on your subscription level; data refresh replace and overlay are Enterprise-only features. I would recommend creating a new Org Chart and re-importing your updated dataset. Otherwise if you are looking to upgrade in order to have access to those features please visit our pricing page. Hope this helps!

For anyone else that has questions about the intended functionality of Org Charts please check out our Create an org chart. For details as to the functionality and features available at each subscription level please check out our Account Types article

I have the exact same problem and I do have an enterprise account.  

Hi Cameron

Thanks for following up on this post! Please read through the Manage Data section of our Create an org chart article from the Help Center for specific instructions on refreshing/replacing your data. If you are still running into an issue after following the instructions explained in the article please submit a ticket using our Contact Support Form and provide your doc URL and the data you are attempting to link/refresh so that we can take a closer look.


This functionality originally was working / supported with non-enterprise versions.  Lucid has a pattern of removing functionality from lower tiers putting it into higher tiers and then charge for it. 

Hi David

Thanks for your post. You are correct that a limited form of this functionality was originally available on other subscription levels. However since that time Lucidchart has added extensive new features and functionality to our data linking feature set. With these improvements we have adjusted our subscription offerings and pricing to better reflect the value of this feature set.

if you have further questions about what is available to you on your subscription please check out the Lucidchart Plans article or reach out to our support team here.
