Hi @joe z thank you for posting in the community! I'm sorry to hear that you are having trouble with org charts using data link and am happy to help.
As a first step could you try opening your document in a private or incognito window to help us narrow down the potential cause? Please let me know if you see any improvements after trying this step. Could you please also confirm if your linked data is in the Org Chart panel or if it is in the Data-linking panel?
These two panels are different features Data-linking is found in the left panel of your canvas and Org Chart is found on the right contextual panel on the right side of the canvas. Please see the following screenshots for an example:
Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions about this!
incognito did nto improve performance. I used data linking to import the data and org chart data to filter and add attributes since my initial data was incomplete. My latest attempt just used data linking.
The file contains 375 rows and 14 colums of data
Hi Joe
Thanks for the response and additional information! It's possible that the slowness you are experiencing could be related to either your network connection or potentially the size of your org chart or dataset.
Could you please try loading your org chart using a different network? After you've tried this if you are still experiencing issues we'd be happy to take a closer look at your document if you send us a support ticket (please include a support pin for your document).
Please note: If you have an especially large org chart we recommend breaking each department into its own document. You can always link to other documents with actions. This keeps the datasets a bit smaller and more manageable!