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The Org chart elements have fields which are only 1 line (name phone etc).  I want to have an org chart with a field which can expand to the size and amount of text entered. 

I want an org chart with goals.  I can add a field called 'goal' but it is only 1 line.  Some staff might have only 1 goal others 3.  Some goals will be a few words some a whole sentence.


How can I change one of the org chart elements to have a field "Goal" and the field accept more than 1 line of text.


Hey Phillip thanks for the post! At this time we do not have a standard way of accommodating multiple lines in an org chart box so I apologize about that. I recommend using the Ctrl/Enter method you mentioned to achieve this as well as manually entering for new lines to remain inside the box.

If you would like to see this automated please submit your request in our Feature Request form. Thanks!
