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🚦Optimize your team’s decision-making using relative ranking in Visual Activities!

  • 15 May 2024
  • 2 replies

In Visual Activities, you now have the option to view results as a relative ranking with single-axis prioritization activities! Because Visual Activity participants can vary in how they prioritize items, the results are sometimes skewed based on an object’s location on the axis rather than how a user ranked it compared to other items. Relative ranking helps with this, providing you with a clearer look at your team’s priorities.

So how are these results calculated?

Each object is given a score based on how participants ranked them—1 for the highest priority, then 2, all the way down to the last item. The average score is taken for each object and ranked. The object with the lowest average has the best rank and therefore the highest priority.

Check out this example. Four participants ranked three items using different portions of the axis. Here are their individual responses:




Going solely off of location on the axis, Item 2 would be ranked last. But let’s take a look at each item’s average relative ranking instead:



Based on Item 2’s average relative ranking, its position actually moves to 2nd place because the score does not account for its location on the axis, but rather how each participant ranked it relative to the other items—and you get a clearer picture of what’s most important to participants.

For more information about Visual Activities and relative ranking, check out our Get started with Visual Activities article from the Lucid Help Center, and let us know in the comments how you plan to use relative ranking!

Hi!  Is there a way to export the results?  I’d did a ranking analysis with two different groups, and I kept the results separate, but I would also like to represent the two together.  I only have the option to Export to Board, not to CSV as one of the Help articles mentions.  How could I go about this?



@sgrissom Thanks for reaching out! You should have a CSV button in the top-right corner of the results page as shown here:

If you do not see this option, can you please send a screenshot of what you do see?
