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I am using LucidSpark  to develop a multi-page interactive web presentation with many linked LucidSpark pages so I am exporting each LucidSpark page as a separate  SVG  and using the hyperlink feature to provide the links.

It's working beautifully with one small issue. When I publish the files on my website the links are opening in a separate tab because LucidSpark creates the <a tag with target="_blank"

I can edit this out in a text editor but it is quite a lot of work and makes the maintenance of the pages quite laborious.

Is there s setting in LucidSpark to disable the annotation of target="_blank" in the <A> tag when exporting to SVG?



Hey Alan

Thank you for posting in the Lucid Community! I don't quite understand the issue you are experiencing--would you mind to share a screenshot of the steps you are taking and explain the vision you have for your project? 

Thank you for your help and patience here! 

Hi Phillip Thanks for getting back so promptly. I'm in Sydney Aust so there's a time-zone challenge!

Exporting a page containing hyperlinks to SVG generates HTML <a> tags with the target set to _blank


So when the user clicks the link the new page is displayed in a new tab in their browser.

My question is can I configure LucidSpark to generate these tags with no target like:

You can see what I am building at . At the moment it is very much "Under Construction". I have had to edit out the 'target="_blank" ' from the SVG files before uploading them to the website in order to get the clicked links to open in the same browser tab.



Hey Alan

Aha I see--thank you for providing all of that information and context! Unfortunately this is not currently a feature available in Lucidspark. However I do hear you and I love this idea. I have logged this request and will ensure that it is passed along to the proper team.

Thanks again for all your hard work here we appreciate the opportunity to make Lucidspark fit your needs! Firm handshakes 🤝 
