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Hi! I just signed up for the first time. I was going through the 6-step “quick tips” onboarding in my first document, and step 5/6 involved a “Feature Find” feature:



That seems no longer to be in the interface (the brow with eyeglasses and the “Feature Find” text in the upper-right corner of the interface). Instead there’s only commenting, presentations, and video.



I’d love to use the feature find as I get to know the software! Might I suggest either updating the quick tour with up-to-date instructions as to how to access that menu, or removing that tip?



Good afternoon,

Thank you for sending this. I can reach out internally about getting that onboarding tutorial updated. In the meantime, this is where you will find the “feature find” in Lucidchart. It is now the binocular icon. 


