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I would like to use lucid offline but I do everything the help articles seem to say and still can not get it.  Am I missing something?

What I have done:

  1. I am logged into my lucid account on Google Chrome on Windows 10

  2. I have gone to Account settings to document settings to Lucidchart to toggled the button to on for "Make recent Lucidchart documents available offline on this computer."

When I go to go to when offline it just says no internet.

Thank you 


Hi Nathan

Thanks for reaching out. I am sorry for the issues you have experienced with Lucidchart's offline mode. Please note that offline mode will only cache changes to existing documents that have been saved offline and you cannot create new documents in offline mode. If you try to access after disconnecting from the internet you will not be able to access the website. However if you copy and paste the URL to your docs list or keep your docs list open when going offline you will be able to see and edit your documents if offline mode has been properly enabled on your account. Feel free to let me know if you have any further questions. 

For more information on offline mode please check out our Offline Mode article from the Lucid help center.
