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Is there anyway to allow Lucid chart to access these type of Image URLS from our office 365 environment or do I need to export them all to make them accessible another way?

Hi @aehrenwo 

To provide direct access to the photos from Lucidchart without requiring manual export.

By configuring Azure AD application registration or using a proxy server, you can establish a connection between Lucidchart and your Office 365 environment, allowing Lucidchart to fetch the photos directly.

Hope this helps - Happy to help further!!
Thank you very much and have a great one!
Warm regards

Are there any reference guides to setting this up? is this something only our admin/IT can help to set up? 

Hi @aehrenwo - Based on the situation, yes, it is a best approach to work with the admin/IT to move fast.


Hi @aehrenwo - jumping in here! Are you intending to use these photos for an org chart? Or another purpose?

Yes, an org chart. I was able to get that to layout fine with the CSV file I have, but the images are proving more problematic to do systematically. 

Thank you! Unfortunately, Lucidchart can only access bulk-imported images via URL from a public source, and unfortunately isn’t able to access Sharepoint drives. If you are able to add these images to a public space and replace the Sharepoint link with a public one, you will be able to add the images via data upload. Alternatively, if that’s not possible, your best option will be to upload your image files to each employee individually. I’d like to share this Create an org chart article from our help center article for more information on both of these options!

Additionally, this troubleshooting resource can help you determine if your links are public or private.
