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Through the "Objects – Connections" model you present the structure of a Database including information about the faculties at a university lecturers students and disciplines. Each faculty is characterized by a Number and a Name. Each lecturer in a given faculty is characterized by PIN Name Title. One teacher works in only one faculty. Each student is characterized by a Faculty Number Name Specialty Course Group. Each course is characterized by a Discipline Name and Code. A discipline is taught by a single teacher. A teacher can lead several disciplines. Each student has one grade for a course. Determine which type the links between the objects will be and what are the attributes if any. Denote with * the attributes that you think will be key to the object. Define for each object the data types of its attributes. Identify the objects (faculties lecturers students and courses). Then determine their attributes. Determine the relationships between objects and what are the attributes if any.

Hey there

Thank you for posting in the Lucid Community 🥳 I'm not exactly sure what your vision here is--would you mind to share a bit more context on what you are trying to accomplish. I would love to help out and provide any suggestions! 
