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Object information

  • 16 January 2019
  • 1 reply

Greetings! I'm trying to get information about individual objects such as size position or volume. For instance I want to verify (or set) the exact size of shape on my floor plan. In most advanced drawing packages there is functionality in either the status bar or in the context menu. But I can't find anything in Lucid.




PS - desired function: select an object or group. Have length/size/volume/position info display on the status bar. Right click on an object have 'Information' show as the bottom menu item click it to display a detailed Info box.

Advanced - make the detailed info editable.


Thanks in advance!

Hi there

Thanks for posting in the community! There are currently a few ways that information about the floor plan shapes are displayed. For example if you left click and hold on a single wall dimensions and the distance from the opposite wall are shown. There is also an onscreen icon that allows you to adjust units and scale. If you'd like to potentially see what you're describing added to Lucidchart in the future please submit a feature request form. Our team uses this form to categorize like requests from users and present them to our Product team for consideration. I hope this helps! 
