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We are using lucid to create a large document.  It was so large, that I had to build it in different sections.  now when I export to a pdf and want to put it all together, I am having difficulty with the page numbers.  I know that you can enter page numbers in the master document for each section, but what if I want the numbering to start at something other than “1”.  How do I do that?

Hi @zimmek1, thanks for posting in the community! Are you referring to changing the order of your page tabs? You can do this by selecting, then dragging the page tab to the order you choose. If this is not what you’re referring to, could you share a screenshot and more information about what you’re trying to do so I can better understand the issue?

No, I’m not talking about changing the order of the page tabs. 

On the master page, I have inserted a “page number” at the base, so that the pages in the document (each tab) are numbered consecutively:


Which will start the numbering as “1” on the first page of this brown section as noted below, and automatically advances the page number along the pages that follow with this master page applied - for example, this is page 11 of the document…..automatically numbered

What I am wondering, is that since the document became nearly 200 pages (tabs) and I had to divide it into separate documents/sections is there a way on the master page that I can indicate what page number I want it to start numbering with so that when I stitch it back together as a pdf, I have consecutive page numbers.  

Is there a formula for page numbering to do this?  Like on the master page at the bottom left where is says “page e1]” is there a way that I can change the page number within the brackets that it starts on?




You can use interpolated text, our pagenumber formula, and simple addition of the previous number of pages!

Ex: on the master page of your second doc, which let’s say will start at Page 21, you would put into your shape {{=pagenumber+20}} which would then resolve to display 21


Thank you - but I keep getting an error.  Is there a particular way to do this?  I’m not a programmer….


Hi @zimmek1, can you double check to ensure there are no spaces before or after your formula? Any extra spaces can lead to an error. 

There are no spaces.


Thanks for checking @zimmek1! Apologies for the trouble - could you also try deleting everything in the formula editor and write it again fresh to see if that resolves the issue?

If not, do you mind sharing the document support pin in your next reply so I can take a closer look?

Here is the support pin



Trying to apply formula to the bottom of the master page.

Thank you,



HI Kate, thanks for providing that pin! I was able to take a closer look and it seems that the issue could be related to the fact that the formula is on a master page. Can you try converting the master page to a normal page and see if that resolves the problem?

It works if I put on on a non-master page.  The issue is that the overall document is 200 pages ( broken up into sections).  On the master page, as I have done now, I selected “insert page number” and it numbers the pages for that document (pages 1-7).  But I need the next section to start on page 8 and number sequentially from there.  It will start on page 1 again if I use “insert page number” for the master page.  Is there any way to start the numbering on a page different than 1 using the master?  Otherwise, I would have to individually number each page and that does not help if we end up adding a page in the middle of the document - I would have to re-number the entire thing.


Hi @zimmek1, thanks for the reply and apologies for the confusion! It looks like this formula doesn’t work on a master page. We’ve passed on this feedback for our product team to take a look.

For now, a workaround you can try is writing the original formula, and then copying and pasting the text onto each page, and based on the page, it will automatically calculate each page number.

Apologies for the trouble! Thanks for your help and patience. 
