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I have recently noticed a change in all my Lucid diagrams, which makes them much less readable than before...

I mostly use the BPMN shapes. In the BPMN "language" the circes have a specific meaning. They correspond to an "event" that happens during the process.

Today, all the pictures and notes that I have attached to a shape are presented in a circle (it was not the case before) and can therefore be taken as an "event" in the process while they're not events at all. 

Here is an example of a note and a picture attached to a shape : 

Is it possible to have a rollback in order to keep the notes and images presented as they were before, which was much better and made my diagrams much more understandable ?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Hi @Caroline R! I’m a UX designer at Lucid Software. Thanks for flagging this. The updated style of the image and note bubbles was part of the line creation UI unification that happened recently. While I understand this is a less ideal experience for your workflow, this is not something we have plans to revert. While we work on continuing to improve this experience, one workaround you can try for the notes is to hide them in the view menu.


Thanks for your answer, but I don’t want to hide my notes. I want the readers to see them as I put important information inside...
