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Hi - 

My Google Drive and Lucid accounts are linked (same email address) and set to sync automatically. I'm not able to find my Lucid charts in my Google Drive. I checked my account and I see that there are three charts inexplicably not linked . . . but when I click on Sync Now nothing happens. 

Hi Goldie 

Thank you for posting in the Lucid Community! Would you mind removing the auto-sync checkmark and then trying your sync again? To clarify--are you unable to find any of your Lucidchart diagrams in your Google Drive? All synced diagrams will initially be put under one folder named Lucidchart. From there you can move them wherever you wish.

If the issue persists would you mind trying unlinking and relinking your Google account? This takes care of most issues by resetting everything. Please let me know if the issue continues!

Thank you removing the auto-sync checkmark helped. I'm wondering why the auto-sync isn't working. 

Hey Goldie

Glad that worked! It depends on when you would have checked the auto-sync button--has it been a week since you would have enabled that? 

It's been months

Hey Goldie 

Ah I see. Had the documents been synced at all prior to checking the auto-sync button? If the accounts were never synced in the first place it's possible that auto-sync was never able to happen. 

I am experiencing a similar but slightly different issue. My LucidChart documents show up when I view my Google Drive on a browser. However they do NOT show up at all when I am viewing my Google Drive through the Google Drive for Desktop app. All other files on the Google Drive appear but not the Lucidchart.

A shame really because otherwise Lucidchart has been a useful if quirky tool.


Hi @whitney e thank you for continuing this thread! I'm sorry for the issue with Google Drive and am happy to help.

As a first step could you navigate to your Lucid Account Settings go to the Apps & Integrations tab and check under Google Drive for a 'Sync Now' button? If you see that button please click it and double-check the desktop folder again.  

If that doesn't work would you mind unlinking and relinking to your Google account? As Phillip mentioned this step typically takes care of most issues by resetting everything. 

If the issue persists please submit a support ticket and our team will be happy to take a closer look and assist with further troubleshooting. Thank you!
