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I originally set up my account by selecting the sign in with Google option but would now like to be able to access using a username and password instead.  When I go into account settings no password is shown so I add a password and then click save changes which appears to work but then when I log out and try to log in again using my email address and password I get a message saying ‘login failed. Invalid username or password’.  When I then login again via Google the password is no longer shown in account settings.  I have tried this a number of times now with the same issue each time.  Please could someone advise how I can add a password.



Hi Nigel

Thanks for posting in the community! Your password is hidden in account settings for security reasons. The empty text box doesn't mean that there isn't a password there just that it is hidden.

When logging in again please double check that you are using the correct email address to login. If this does not solve the problem you can set/reset your password here: password flow. Make sure you check your spam folder just in case your email client filters out emails from us.

If there are any further questions please contact us by filling out this Support form. Hope this helps!

