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Is there a way to scale a bitmap image but not maintain 1:1 scaling.

That is I want to squish the image vertically but keep the width the same.

I can see the little "lock" icon in the Transform panel which suggests that it locks proportional scale.  However this only locks the bounding box aspect ratio.  Contrary to the standard meaning of the lock icon (re: Illustrator) the image itself does NOT rescale when the lock is turned off instead the bounding box effectively crops the image in a weird manner.

Am I missing something?

Hey Kevin

Thank you for posting in the Lucid Community! To answer your question--Yes! You can squish an image vertically but keep the same width by using our handy Shape Options menu. 

Hope this helps--please let me know if you have any other questions! Cheers 🍻

Ummm as mentioned that only changes the bounding-box and not the actual image inside the box.

Am I missing something here?

Example.  Before:


Hey Kevin

Thank you for the response and so sorry for the misunderstanding! So in order to stretch your image instead of scale it you need to select the image go to "Fill" and switch from the "Scaled" option to the "Stretch" option.

This should allow you to smush the image in the way you would like. 

Hope this helps--please let me know if you have any other questions! 

Perfect.  That is exactly what I needed.  I'm glad I asked!  

