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I need to save some textboxes in a shape library when I do so there is no preview of the text in the shape library. However if I hover over the empty space the shape appears indicating it has saved. Any help on resolving this would be much appreciated.

Hi Keval

Thanks for posting in the Community!

Could you illustrate what you're experiencing with screenshots so that we have a better understanding of what is happening?


This is the shape library I am saving the textboxes in on the right hand side there are two text boxes saved at the end of the top row and two at the end of the bottom row. However an image preview is not appearing in the library. When I hover over them the shape does appear though:


Hi Keval

Thanks for the additional information!

I have converted this post into a support request as I will likely need to get access to your shape library/document to look further into the matter. I will reach back out to you via email!
