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I've created roles from the yaml at both the Organization and Project levels - and created service accounts with one or both roles - but once I add the key into the LucidScaler import at the Add Credentials screen I don't see any Projects.  I've created accounts in 2 different projects - which definitely have supported resources in them.  Is there something I am missing on making the connection to GCP?


Hi Mark 

Thanks for reaching out to the community. I'm sorry for the issues you are having in Lucidscale! 

We've seen a similar issue before with users who have never enabled the resource API in GCP. If disabled we're unable to query data from your projects. You should be able to render your projects in the Data Hub after logging into your GCP console and enabling the resource APIs for each project. Please let me know if you're still encountering issues after enabling the resource API for the project you're attempting to import.

Thanks - that resolved the issue - it's technically the Cloud Resource Manager API for those having this issue.
