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I've created a flowchart. I've hotspotted a shape in the flow chart to a new layer that provides a blow up of the information in that shape. So far so good. However when I run the slide the new layer default appears over the flowchart before I toggle the hotspot. This is a problem as ALL the shapes in the primary/main flowchart will eventually have a detailed layer attached to it and if they all show without the user specifically toggling that shape the image will be a mess..


I am looking for functionality where I must toggle the hotspot to see the new layer not that the new layer appears by default. I want to toggle the shape only not set up a SHOW or HIDE functionality for the layer. Is this possible or does toggling mean having the layer appear by default and you toggle off the layer?

Basically I want to invert the current functionality of the toggle: I want to toggle the new layer to appear versus toggle it to hide.

Hello Bryan

Thanks for posting in the Community! If you want to hide a layer I recommend clicking the eye icon on the bottom tab when you're in the "layers" box. I have attached a picture for reference. This will hide the layer as you are looking at the main diagram so all the layers don't clump up and seem messy. If I have misunderstood your question please let me know and I would be happy to assist further! Also here is a Help Center article that goes more in depth about links layers and hotspots! 
