It does not look like it works.
- Created diagram in Lucid
- Share - Publish - Copy Url
- In Notion - created a Block pasted link
- Link is added without a diagram visible
- No Connect to Lucidchart or Connect to Lucidspark window pops up
Hi Sergey
Thank you for posting in the Lucid Community! Can you confirm that you added Lucidchart as one of your connections in Notion? If so can you please try:
- Selecting “Reload Preview” from the document dropdown.
- Reconnecting to your Lucid account within Notion.
- When connecting your Lucidchart to Notion you'll need to copy the document URL from the address bar to successfully connect. Double check that you used the document URL and not a "publish" URL.
For more information on our Notion integration check out this article in our Help Center.
If the issue persists could you please send in a support ticket? If you could please include a screenshot of the issue in your ticket that will help us take a closer look at the issue.
I was trying to add my diagram later using my current browser link (it includes a lot of extra GET parameters).
It did require me to connect with the Lucid account and preview work for 5 min or so but after that I mostly see `Sorry!` preview.
Which I can fix for a couple of minutes by doing `Reload Preview`.
After that it can work the next 3-5 min before it starts showing the `Sorry!` preview permanently.
> Can you confirm that you added Lucidchart as one of your connections in Notion?
How I can confirm that?
Hi Sergey
Thank you for the response and for implementing those additional steps! My apologies for the difficulty - to take a closer look I've created a support ticket to help address the issue.