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Need to flip lines and groups, not just closed shapes

Related products: Lucidchart

I want to create line drawings. I need to be able to group lines together and flip them for vertical/horizontal symmetry. I am unable to do this. The “flip” icons are grayed out/inactive for lines and grouped objects. This makes the product useless to me.

Hi @robinobudd 

Hey there thank you for posting in the Lucid community! 

Thanks for your post! Unfortunately, this isn’t currently supported in Lucid. There isn't a way to flip a mirror image of a line but you can reverse the direction of the line is using the Swap Line Ending tool.

We’re very interested in your feedback and committed to continually improving our products. If you’re willing to share, we’d love to hear more details about your use case or what you’d like to see in this experience within this thread. I’ve also converted this post to an idea so that it’s visible to others within the Product Feedback section of the community - from here, they can upvote it and add details of their own.

Finally, for more information on how Lucid manages feedback via this community, take a look at this post:


Thank you for the reply. I’m quite surprised that this isn’t supported as it seems like very basic functionality. I’m looking for a tool to draw sketches of clothing design patterns and need the left and right sides to be exactly symmetrical. It turns out that PowerPoint can do this, and it isn’t even primarily a drawing tool. LucidChart is useless to me without this simple functionality.

Hi @robinobudd

Thank you for the additional feedback! I apologize that the product is currently not meeting your needs and hope that this feature will be implemented. If you have any concerns in the meantime, please let me know!

I too am looking for a feature to flip a group of shapes. I’m building an architecture diagram to show my “staging” and “production” environments, with some data sync services in the middle. Showing one environment as *almost* a mirror image of the other makes this pretty clean. But rearranging manually is pretty tedious.

@robinobudd I’m not surprised Lucidchart isn’t a great tool for your design task. For what it’s worth, my wife uses Affinity Designer for clothing designs and likes it a lot.

I'm using Lucidchart for visualizing organizational processes and I would like this feature very much, it seems so basic, I was surprised it wasn't able to do so. If this becomes a feature, I suggest you also make it possible to rotate lines. 

Thank you for sharing your feedback @ChristeldR. If you are willing to share, we would love to hear more about your use case and ideas for the feature in the thread and have you upvote the post (if you haven’t already). We appreciate you helping us improve Lucid!

I too am looking for a feature to flip a group of shapes. I’m building an architecture diagram to show my “staging” and “production” environments, with some data sync services in the middle. Showing one environment as *almost* a mirror image of the other makes this pretty clean. But rearranging manually is pretty tedious.


Yes, while the original suggestion may have been outside the scope of a diagram tool’s functions, being able to mirror structures like this is pretty much essential. All our infrastructure is replicated across two datacentres, and in many instances it makes sense to represent them as mirror images.


Hi @peterb.2s

Thank you for the valuable feedback! Please feel free to add more details about your use case and make sure to upvote this idea.