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I've seen the previous post about changing owner but I wanted to check again -- copying documents isn't an option for us as the documents that I own are widely shared via links throughout our company and documentation.  I'll be out on maternity leave for 3 months and I need a way to ensure that any access requests while I'm gone can be quickly addressed.  How can we maintain our document library and designate a new owner for these documents or at least another user who can address access shares?


Thank you

Kaitlyn Moore

Hi Kaitlyn

Thanks for posting in the community! I think that the best option in this case may be to use our team folders functionality. Check out our Team Folders help center article to learn more and see if this will work for you.

If you find team folders don't completely suit your needs please feel free to reach out directly to and we can help find a solution!

Thank you!   This does seem like it would solve my problem.  Now to just find out if we have an Enterprise account... :( 
