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This is VERY basic functionality that I expect in any drawing process mapping or engineering tool... to be able to align a selected set of objects to a vertical or horizontal guide.  Align to the object centers -- without considering text label as part of the object boundary.  With Visio Enteprise Architect AllClear and other tools this is easy.  It is how I clean up the diagram and make it look professional quality.  

I don't see this capability in LucidChart.   After drawing in LC I would have to export (or as LC says "download") the entire file to Visio do the alignments in Visio to clean up the object layout and then re-import into LC.  This approach presents many other problems because the fidelity of import and export is not perfect so there's a lot of time-consuming cleanup.


Carson's answer simply states that Guides exist and Snap to Guide for manually moving objects not multiselect and then "Snap-To-Guide" for more than object.

LC still requires several extra steps to 1) select all objects to be aligned and then 2) pre-align the objects on centers and then 3) manually move the selected group of objects to snap them to the guide.  For large diagrams with many objects this is time-consuming when it has to be done repeatedly.  

Hi Rich

Thank you for reaching out. We do offer vertical and horizontal guide functionality. By right-clicking on your document you can select either a vertical or horizontal guide. 

After inserting these guides confirm that your "Snap to Guide" setting is turned on (on the far right of the Page Settings options). Your objects should snap easily to this guide. 

Please let me know if you have any other questions!

Still no "Select Guide Center to Guide" function?  This is 2.5 years later and it still has not been implemented?  

Snap to Guide doesn't actually work for this because if you cannot select a guide to which you want to align a set of selected objects then you cannot align them on Guide centers.

This still requires a multistep operation to 1) pull out the guide 2a) select 2b) align 2c) group a set of objects then 3) move to center onto a Guide.

Visio and Concept Draw still does this better. 

Put this on your endless list of missing functions to add.

Hi Rich thanks for following up on this! If you would like to see the guide feature expanded upon would you mind adding your idea to our feature request form? The best way to communicate the importance of this to the product team is to add it to the product feedback section as the demand for certain features factors into the product team's decisions.

Thanks for your request and I apologize for any inconvenience this causes you.
