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My document moves on the gray screen so I have to use the sliders to find it

  • 10 August 2024
  • 1 reply

Often, my documents, which I start in the upper left corner of the gray space, MOVE.  I will open the document and find all gray.  Then I have to hunt for my document.  Sometimes, the sliders are super hard to see.  So frustrating.  How can I fix this?

Hi @Kaitlyn S 

To optimize your Lucidchart document's layout, start by using the "Zoom to Fit" feature, which centers your document in the visible canvas area.

You can find this button in the toolbar or under the "View" menu.

Furthermore, utilize the minimap feature to quickly locate and navigate to specific document areas.

To maintain your layout's integrity, consider locking the position of key objects.

Simply right-click on the desired elements and select "Lock" from the context menu to prevent accidental movement and ensure your document remains organized.


Hope this helps - Happy to help further!!
Thank you very much and have a great one!
Warm regards
