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Mural vs Lucid - Metadata on who edited a file or placed something on the board

  • 8 August 2024
  • 2 replies

I’ve worked with Mural before at another company and they had a function where I could see who would drop images in the board. Is there a way in LUCIDSPARK to check who dropped an image or who edited text?

Hi @tuan.nguyen1 

Lucidspark does provide an Activity History feature that tracks changes made to the board, including who added, edited, or moved elements like images and text.

However, the level of granularity in tracking may differ slightly from Mural. While Mural offers detailed tracking for specific actions,

Lucidspark's focus is more on capturing overall board activity and changes, which may not always provide the same level of detail for every action


Hope this helps - Happy to help further!!
Thank you very much and have a great one!
Warm regards


Hi @tuan.nguyen1

To add to @Humas1985 comment, the feature Humas is referring to is called Revision history. This feature allows you to see previous versions of your document, and who made changes to the document. This feature is only available to Team and Enterprise accounts. You can learn more about it here.

