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Object Copy madness:

  1. Create Base Page

  2. Create LayerA  - Drop Object into it 

  3. Create LayerB - Drop Object into it

  4. Create Layer C - LayerA - Copy Object to LayerC

  5. Toggle Layer A visibility.   Layer C object now disappears.

Object Multiselect Madness

     Take above diagram.  Select all items.  Move to Layer C.    
     Expected:  Objects in Layer C.  Result:  Objects seem to stay put.

Double Clicking Blank area shifts where new objects are created. 

1. If I'm working with Layers I really want to control my own focus.  Change of Focus makes it easy to create objects where you'll need to move them.   This design makes it really easy to fall into the weak spot of the product.

2. If I need to consolidate layers it should be repeatable/predictable results. 

Hi Chris thanks for commenting in our community and I apologize for the trouble you are experiencing with layers. It sounds like there might be something wrong happening to your Layer C. It should stay visible after toggling off Layer A visibility. Could you try opening your document in a private or incognito window to help us narrow down the potential cause? If this doesn't resolve the problem can you please share a screenshot of the issue so I can take a closer look?
