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Is it possible to copy or move a layer from one page to another? If so could someone talk me through it? I can Duplicate a layer but there doesn't seem to be any way to then move that duplicate to another page... 

Thank you :) 

Hi Karin 

Thanks for reaching out! It is not possible to copy a layer to another page but you should be able to duplicate a page and in doing so duplicate the layers that it contains. To duplicate a page simply right-click on the page tab at the bottom of the document and click "duplicate."

Let me know if you have any further questions. 

Hi Annika

Thanks for your reply. I think it would be really useful if layers could be copied between pages too. Maybe a new feature for future consideration? :) 
I use Lucidchart to build out UI mock ups (among other things) and when I create a new interaction using the layers (which is great) it would be great if I could just copy that entire layer set to another existing page in my mock up. Currently I am creating the layers again then copying all the content for each layer separately so it would be much more efficient if I could just right click the layer select copy and then tell it what page to copy it to :) 

I see that some users had the same question I have now back in 2019.  Has this been addressed or are we still not able to copy layers from tab to tab?

Hi Mark thanks for continuing this thread. At this time Lucidchart doesn't currently support a functionality for copying or moving a layer on one page to another. Apologies for any inconvenience this causes! I've logged your request for this feature for review by our development team which they'll consider as the prioritize improvements to Lucidchart. If you have additional use case details you'd like to share via the feature request form linked above in Annika's response they can be very helpful for our team in understanding how to improve the experience for you. 

In the meantime I recommend Annika's workaround of duplicating a page entirely including its layers or simply selecting copying and pasting all of the content within a single layer of one page into a new layer of another. Please let me know if you have any questions about this!
