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We’ve just migrated to Lucidspark and I have the oportunity to organise better all the sparks that have been migrated.

When I try to move a spark to a new folder/team I see this:

For this spark I am the owner… so why can’t a move it:

Any ideas...

Hi ​@Paul Featherstone 

If you are not the owner of the spark or do not have sufficient permissions, you may not be able to move it. Can you confirm that part to get this aligned?

Hope this helps - Happy to help further!!
Thank you very much and have a great one!
Warm regards

Hi ​@Humas1985 - I believe I am the owner, see below screen shot and video:


Hi ​@Paul Featherstone 

Thanks for the insight, this needs to be looked at closely by our Lucid Representatives as this is unusual.

Give some time, you will get the reach out on this with the next steps.

