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If I share a document on a website how can I make sure:

a) the document/diagram is responsive on a mobile device?
I tried to embed iframes with 

width: 960px; height: 720px;

but it looks very large on the mobile.

b) I am using hotspots in the documents to toggle layers.
On the mobile nothing happens when I touch the hotspot-area.
Also tried to download the Android app but it requires an account which is overkill for a person who just want to study a process really quick one time.

Kind regards


Hi Patrik

Thanks for posting in the community. If you would like the iframe to be responsive you will need to add a custom CSS class or an id to the iframe. We're still working to expand our mobile functionalities and unfortunately interactive hotspots are not yet supported in Lucidchart diagrams that are accessed from a mobile device.

If you'd like to see this feature considered for Lucidchart mobile in the future please submit a Feature Request form. Our team uses this form to combine like requests and present them to our Product team. 

Hi Adam

Oh that's a pity it was one of the best functions to make a process diagram clean when there are many branches.

What is the advice then if we have both desktop and mobile users and don't want to show all process alternatives from the start?


For instance I may have one diagram with 10 objects in a chain from start to end.

Some of the objects have one or several sub processes linked out as new objects above and below.

To get a clean overview I want to fold in all the "sub objects" and just click on a object to fold them out.

Is there some other method other than Hotspots available to show on a mobile devices?


Kind regards




Hi Patrik

Thanks for your response. Toggling layers using hotspots is currently the only feature that allows for the "Hide" and "Show" actions you've described. We’re actively considering building out hotspots for mobile and we're always looking for ways to improve Lucidchart through user feedback. If this is something you'd like to see added as a functionality please submit a Feature Request form (linked above). 


I was wondering if there was any update on this. When I use the embed feature the Ipad view does not display the embed controls (Tabs zoom etc). Thanks!

Hi Robert 

Thanks for continuing this thread! There has not been any movement on this feature so please fill out the feature request form linked above so that our development team may see that there is still interest in it. 

For your second question could you send a screenshot of what you are seeing and describe what you are trying to see on the embed?

Thanks for your help and patience!
