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Missing list option for text?

  • 30 August 2024
  • 5 replies


There are three symbols for the list options but only two options are provided. There is a checklist/checkbox symbol shown but there is no actual option provided. Is this a bug? Was there a checklist/checkbox option provided in the past but it was removed?

Thank you for your time. Bye.


Hi @patrickpereira1988 

Please refer to the instructions below to explore multiple options - all the information you need is listed there






Hope this helps - Happy to help further!!
Thank you very much and have a great one!
Warm regards

This is for Lucidspark. Say you add a sticky note, type in some text and select the text these list options will appear. 

Hi @patrickpereira1988 

"I agree with you, it's not identical to Lucidchart in Spark. I can replicate the same on my end and we need to verify this with our internal/product team for confirmation




Good morning,
I’m checking internally to find out if this is intentional, and I will follow up shortly. Thank you for reaching out! 

Good morning again,

I checked internally and this is feedback we have received in the past, and we do have a checklist option on our roadmap for the future. I do not have a date for when that would be released into our product. For now, the two options in the bullet list are intentional. 
