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Im using the Mind Map template. I'm able to add child topics to the main topic in several colors. I can choose the color of the root and the layer colors deeper into the # of child topics.

What I want to do is have two seperate "branches" coming off a center node. Each "branch" will be essentially it's own mini mind map. I want each "branch" to have a seperate set of colors. So in my use case I have A and B where A is several shades of red and B is several shades of blue.

Now what I dont understand is I can make the "root" color of each branch independent. But then if I chhange layer 123etc the colors for both "branchs" change. I dont understand why can I change the root color and have that be independent but not the layer color?

Is there a way to fix this? 

Hi @john f102 thanks for posting in the community! Unfortunately if you are using the Mind Map options to set a colour for each level it is not possible have separate colours for different nodes. 

However it is possible to draw a selection box over the nodes in the level you'd like to style and select a colour for them using the colour fill option. If you use this option the colour of these nodes will not change when you update the colours in the 'advanced options' view above. For more information about styling your mind map I recommend taking a look at the Style your mind map section of the Create mind maps in Lucidchart help center article.

That said I can certainly see how the option to have different colours within a level would be helpful when creating complex mind maps. I've gone ahead and logged this feedback with our development team! If there is any additional details you'd like to share regarding this feature request please feel free to comment on this thread and we would be happy to pass this onto the relevant teams.

I hope this helps. Feel free to let us know if you have any questions!
