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As of September 30th, 2024, Lucid has released a new Lucid Cards for Azure DevOps integration. The new app supports additional functionality that wasn’t supported on the prior app, such as using cards in Timelines, story points appearing on the card face for user stories and bugs, and showing links between work items via dependency mapping.

If you have never used the Lucid Cards Azure DevOps Cloud app in Lucidspark before, you can head straight to our Integrate Lucid Cards with Azure DevOps Cloud article and follow the instructions to set up the new integration and have full access to all the available features. 


If you or someone at your company had previously been using the old app, the old app will continue to be available in Lucidspark until January 15, 2025 at the latest. It will be deprecated at that point, so ensure that you have migrated prior to that date.

You can migrate to the new app sooner for all Lucid users on your account to get access to the additional functionality. After the new app has been set up and used by a user on an account, the old app will be removed from all Lucid users on the account within a few days.

To migrate to the new app, follow the instructions in the Integrate Lucid Cards with Azure DevOps Cloud article to set it up.


Will setting up the new app break cards imported into Lucid using the old app?

No. Using the new app will not cause cards created or imported by the old app to stop working and syncing with Azure DevOps Cloud. Boards you created with the old app will also continue to work.
However, note that cards created by the old app will not have access to the new features and stability improvements found in the new app and will stop syncing with Azure DevOps on January 15, 2025. To have your previously created cards/boards benefit from feature and stability improvements, you can re-import the work items using the new app.

If you were previously using the old app and need to migrate to the new app, you can do so by following the steps to set up the new app. When someone at your company has successfully imported a work item using the new app, the legacy app will be removed within a week or two, so ensure that you’re using the new app moving forward.

Hi ​@PatrickRadoszewski and ​@mark.payne

I have an update for you, after some internal investigation, it looks like this is a known bug our team is aware of. I apologize for the inconvenience! A potential workaround is to unlink and then relink the Azure instance from the apps setting panel (shown in the video below).  

I will update this thread with any new information about a fix. Please follow along on this thread for updates, and post any additional questions or concerns below. 



We have been using the old integration and it worked great.

Own account admin authorized the new integration and i can see it is connected on the Marketplace 


But when I try to use the integration on a new or existing board - it says that it needs authorization.

Can you please help?


Hi ​@zohar

Thanks for the reply! Can you send a photo of the error message you are seeing?

Hi ​@Kelsey Gaag  ! 

It requests authorization : 


Hi ​@zohar

Are you redirected to Azure DevOps after selecting Authorize? Do you run into this error at all?


Any updates on this issue?

Hi ​@mark.payne

Thanks for following up! This issue is still being actively worked on, our teams are working on a fix. However, I don’t have an update on when the fix will be released. 
