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When Jérémy is both in the filename (Jérémy.png) and the employee name in the org chart.

the mass upload still will not match the image to the employee

Hi Patrick

Thanks for reaching out to Lucid support. Is the mass upload incorrectly matching or not matching all of the named images you are uploading or is this problem specific to the Jérémy.png image? Let me know!

Hi Abby the mass upload is not matching cases where the filename and the employee are an exact match but have a special character (like "é") 

it's working correctly other than this.

Hi Patrick

Thank you for your response and for clarifying the issue you are experiencing. I was able to reproduce this behavior and have filed a bug with our development team; they will take a look at a fix! I am so sorry for the trouble and I'll be sure to update you here as soon as I have word from the team.

In the meantime you can continue your work by importing this image directly to the correct org chart card (without using mass import) or by using the unaccented version of the character. Please let me know if you have any further questions.
