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In the above diagram the Data object ("LABEL") is grouped with the Rounded Rectangle Container. If I drag swimlane B into the rounded rectangle magnetization fails -- moving the container does not move the newly-included swimlane B along with it. 

To get swimlane B attached to the rectangle I have to ungroup the Data + Rounded Rectangle group and click elsewhere. Only then is swimlane B magnet grouped. I then have to regroup the Data + Rounded Rectangle objects to restore what I had before. 

Is there a way to get magnetization to work within groups when one of the group's members is magnetized?

Hi Chris thanks for posting in the Lucidchart Community! What you are describing is the current expected behavior for grouped containers - the magnetization will only work for objects that are part of the same group as the container. When dragging a shape onto a container that is not part of the same group it will not get magnetized to move with the container. Temporarily ungrouping as you described is the workaround I would recommend for this. Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause you!



@eric r Thanks for confirming the expected behavior :)

I had this issue today and found another workaround.

Issue Setup

  • Create container

  • Create shape and add text such as MyLabel

  • Put the shape in the container and group them

  • Add shape 2

  • Drop shape 2 on the grouped container

  • Moving the grouped container does NOT move shape 2

Issue Workaround

  • With shape 2 physically inside the container (but still not moving WITH the container...)

  • Double click the group an select the container itself

  • Turn off magnetized

  • Turn on magnetized

  • Escape to exit group

  • Moving the container group now includes shape 2

Hi JT thanks for sharing your workaround and continuing this thread!
