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When creating templates in Lucidspark we have the ability to categorise the template we are creating.  The following options appear when doing so:

If I select a sub-category such as 'Project Planning -> Retrospective' as the category for that template then you seem to lack the ability to see that template sub-category in the Template View when inserting into a new board. i.e. You can only see your template appear in the 'Personal' category - with no sub-categories being displayed below that node: (in the s.shot below 'Agile Development' is being used for other templates hence the reason for it being there)

Wondering if this feature will ever be added?  Currently starting to share templates between team members (notably retrospectives).



Hi there thanks for bringing this to our attention! I understand your frustration and am sorry that we don't currently offer this feature in the product. Please feel free to add your feedback here in our feature request form. Ideas submitted to this form are passed on to the product development team to help us build products that best serve you and your workflow!
