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I'm trying to share my lucidspark board without anyone (absolutely anyone) else being able to edit it. I'm posting a timeline for a course I'm teaching so other users will only need to view it. It seems that when I use the share with link (Guests) option I'm unable to make it so guests only view the board. If I pick guests then it makes it so they can edit the board. In order for me to be able to control edit permissions I seem to need to select "Lucid Users" or "Lucid Users at my organization."

This seems super counter intuitive. It seems like it would be way more useful to decide whether or not guests can view or edit just the same as I can decide whether or not team members can view or edit..

Hi Devin 

Thanks for posting in the Community! You can share with either "Lucid Users" or "Lucid Users within your organization" and then choose the "view" drop down option to ensure no guests have editing capabilities. 

If you're not seeing this on your end or experiencing trouble with selecting this option do you mind sharing a screenshot of what you see on your end? 

If you'd like to have your document viewable and not editable for guests without a Lucid account you might consider publishing your document. To learn more about the publishing feature please review this Help Center article

I hope this helps! Let us know if you have additional questions. 

Hello Addie

I didn't know about publishing documents so thank you. One question does a published document update in real time as I update the source document it was published from? Or does it preserve the exact state of the source document at the time it was published?

Hi @devin g101

Thanks for your question! Unlike static exported versions of documents published documents stay up to date with the latest changes. Anytime you update your document the published version will also be updated to reflect those adjustments.

To learn more about the functionality of published documents feel free to reference this Help Center article! Let us know if you have additional questions - we are happy to help!
