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It seems like I have two types of Lucid Cards on my Board. One Type with a drop down for the owner coming from a company directory and the other one with a free text field. This is not what I intended and I would like to have on or the other. But I cannot convert the free text ones into drop down or the other way around. I can also no longer create free text cards. I am managing a large Backlog so

help is appreciated with a bulk solution.

Hi Markus, 

Thanks for your post!

We will be releasing an update next week that will migrate exiting Lucid cards to the new experience (the dropdown presenting users on the account to be selected as an assignee). The migration will work as follows:

  • Existing cards with an assignee: The assignee will be converted to custom assignee, as shown in this screenshot.


  • Existing cards without an assignee: The assignee field will follow the new experience (dropdown) but without the placeholder icon. The placeholder will be removed in this case to keep the cards the same size as before the update.

Please note that in the new experience, you can still freely type an assignee into the field. If the assignee is not available as an option, they will be added as a custom assignee.

I hope this helps! 





