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I am trying to load a Lucidspark whiteboard in Cisco Webex. We have tested this a couple of times with some success. Today I was trying to use Lucidspark for a production call. I was able to login browse my boards and select a board to load. 

The board started to load and got to what I would call the "95%" mark in the progress bar and then hung. It never recovered and repeated refreshing didn't help.

Hi William thanks for posting in the Lucid Community - I'm happy to help! Can you try opening the document/board in a private or incognito window to help us narrow down the potential cause? Could you also try connecting to a different network (or disconnected from your VPN if applicable)? Sometimes document/board performance issues can be related to your internet security/speed or browser issues and these steps will help us eliminate that possibility. Please check out this Community post for an example of this.

If the issue persists please send the following information in a private support ticket using this form so that our team can take a closer look!

  • The URL of the document that isn't loading

  • A screenshot of the associated Javascript Console output. You can open your Javascript Console by pressing Ctrl+Shift+J (if your computer is a Windows/Linux) OR Cmd+Opt+J (if your computer is a Mac).

Thank you for your help and patience.
