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My lucidchart map “start from the jumpoff” is glitching. The bar doesnt fully load it just goes in at 30% loading bar

And i see no content of my map a weird stripey pattern

And thats it - the entire lucidchart toolbars etc are loaded however

I dont have a backup of the map either
Can you look into restoring this?


Thanks for posting on the community

Can you try opening the document in a private or incognito window? This will clear your cache and cookies and might solve the problem. Could you also try connecting to a different network? Sometimes document performance issues can be related to your internet security/speed or browser issues.

If your document does load and you do not see your work there are a couple of things you can do to troubleshoot:

  1. Try zooming in on your document to see if you can find your work. If your document covers many pages you might be zoomed out completely upon entering. 

  2. Try toggling off WebGL. You can do this by selecting View > Use WebGL. 

If these actions do not work or if you have further problems or questions please fill out this Contact Support form with a URL of your document and a screenshot of the issue. 

It clearly loads a glitching map I can barely scroll up or down as if theres nothing

I think it doesnt load fully the bar gets stuck on half

The other maps work fine

It opens on the mobile app but not any laptop

How do i send a working link do i choose share document?

Ok I chose product support as topic

I had only 3 choices

N added a sharelink

And a screenshot

Is this correct?

Where i can i track the ticket i opened? Can you telll me hoe i csn find it it starting at main page?

Thanks for your time


We received your ticket and are working to troubleshoot your issue. If anyone else is experiencing the same problem please fill out this Contact Support form.
