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I just added the app in teams but it loads only in like in 25% of the page I can't make it bigger than that… One of my teammates tried in his computer… Same problem

I am wondering if I am doing something wrong… Can't find anything about it in the Internet

anyone knows what’s the problem and how to fix it?

Hi Mel thanks for posting! This issue has been reported to our development team and they are looking into what's going wrong. In the meantime it appears this issue is only occurring in the Microsoft Teams desktop app. If you navigate to Microsoft Teams online everything functions normally. I recommend using that while our engineers dig into this. I'll be sure to update this thread with any new information as they investigate!

Hi Mel good news! I have heard back from our development team and it sounds like the issue you experienced should now be resolved. If you still see the issue could you please log out of Lucidchart and close and reopen Teams? This should help reset things. I apologize for any inconvenience that this may have caused. Please let me know if you continue to experience trouble with this or have further questions.

