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I have tried to use the Lucidchart plugin for PowerPoint and after logging in I have selected a few diagrams to be added to my slides which were nicely displayed at that point. However every time I close the document it prompts me to login to Lucid again before any of the diagrams are shown. If someone has no Lucidchart account they cannot even view the diagrams which makes this feature very restricted. Is there a way to add a diagram (other than PDF export) so the diagram preview is always accessible (similar to the Confluence add-on)?

Hey Szilvia

Thanks for posting in the Lucid Community and apologies for the trouble you're experiencing with PowerPoint! Our PowerPoint Add-in is optimized for use without logging in multiple times so this is not intended functionality.

Would you mind to try out the following troubleshooting tips:

  • The diagram you insert is directly connected to your Lucidchart account. You must be connected to the internet to be able to edit the diagram or insert a diagram.

  • If you are experiencing performance issues with the Add-in please try connecting to an alternate network.

  • Please try un-installing and re-installing the Add-in. (Note: if the Add-in has been deployed by your admin you will not be able to un-install it).

  • If you un-install the Lucidchart Add-in for Powerpoint any existing diagrams that are inserted on your slide decks will no longer display.

I'm also including our Lucid Help Desk article for Microsoft Integrations that I'm hoping might shed some light. If none of this helps please reach out to us directly at so we can take a closer look--Cheers!


Just to confirm. Without a Lucid account the intended recipient(s) of the PowerPoint presentation are unable to view the process maps? I understand being unable to edit but being unable to view as well? Therefore I would have to ensure that intended recipient(s) have a Lucid account before sharing the document? 

Hi Tega

Thanks for adding to this thread!

You are correct - in order for collaborators in Word Powerpoint or Excel to see inserted Lucid documents they will need:

  • a Lucid account

  • the Lucid add-in installed in their Word PowerPoint or Excel instance

  • view or edit access to the inserted Lucid document

More information about the functionality of the Powerpoint add-on can be found here: Lucid add-ins for Microsoft Word PowerPoint and Excel

Please let us know if you have additional questions!
