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Please find below an email from a power user at our site. Please advise on how to address this:


We ran across a bug with the “Replace Dataset” function in the data linking module. We included the prefix “Current State” to our current state data tables. We are now working on defining/creating future state models with the customer and we duplicated our current state workbook as a starting point.

When we duplicated the workbook for future state we need to rename our datasets to exclude the “current state” prefix to avoid confusion. We did the following steps:

  1. Executed in the “Download as CSV” function for a dataset in Lucidchart

  2. Opened the CSV in excel and changed the name of the file and the name of the sheet.

  3. Saved the file as an xlsx file type

  4. Opened Lucid select table to be updated from data linking module select “Replace Dataset” Luicdchart function select new file.

After these steps were executed Lucidchart was unable to map a large percentage of the data to the correct objects even though we didn’t alter any data.

We are now in the process of re-mapping our objects to the appropriate data. John we wanted to bring this to your attention since you are creating the templates and teaching people how to update datasets in Lucid. All in all don’t put all your trust into the “Replace Dataset” function in Lucid.

Hey there

Thank you for posting in the Lucid Community! Due to the potentially sensitive nature of the content required to help out here I have went ahead and moved this comment to a ticket. Our amazing Support Team will reach out to you directly via email 😎

Hope this helps -- feel free to let me know if you have any additional questions!

Please note I also tried an experiment with Google Sheets as this is supposed to be "dynamic" not requiring dataset replacement. I had hoped to find a work-around to the above albeit a cloud bases SaaS solution would have to be FEDRAMP compliant (not sure GoogleSheets offers that).

#1 this is supposed to be "dynamic". it is not. one must hit "refresh" on the data source to re-read the Google sheet.

#2 this was supposed to be bi-directional. Note row 2.

 2.a) i created the data in Google sheet then updated in Lucid. Row 2 ArtifactName was originally: ECN

 2.b) I connected the GoogleSheet to the Lucid datasource then applied the properties/meta-data to the Data Object: ECN. I then turned on ArtifactName (and turned off the label) hence the displayed text

 2.c) I then modified the GoogleSheet to change it from: ECN to: ECNx

 2.d) I noted that the data source did not "dynamically" update from the Google sheet. I then did a REFRESH (round arrow icon). The datasource updated to show ECNx and the shape/object data-object instance updated the text to show ECNx

 2.e) I updated the data source (double click the cell) to remove the "x" so from: ECNx to: ECN. The shape/object metadata updated and the displayed text changed to follow: ECN

 2.f) the GoogleSheet did not update. I clicked REFRESH in Lucid. It did not update. I then refreshed the GoogleSheet page ... no update.

 See below.

I am concerned that Lucid may not meet our requirements. Please advise.

Hi John

Thank you for providing the additional information. I understand that you are encountering problems with the "Replace Dataset" function in the data linking module and have concerns about the dynamic data updates in Lucidchart. I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.

I received your support ticket and am looking into this. I will update you once I have more information.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Hi Richard a thought. What is the data-set had a unique identifier unique in all objects in the "universe" of data-sets? And that would be the column selected for the dataset object identification? It would be comprised of several intelligent parameters + a randomly generated 8 digit hex ID?

All of the elements below in the table are unique to the document at HEX ID generation time where Process etc. will have an auto-generated sequential step ID appended to the below.


Type Domain Prefix Suffix Level Revision Version Name DOCOID UUID FID
Diagram X AVL CS L0 A 0 E2E 00000F86 X-AVL_E2E(L0).CS(A.0)x00000F86 X-AVL_E2E(L0).CS(A.0)
Page X SH CS L0 A 0 E2E 00000F86 X-SH_E2E(L0).CS(A.0)x00000F86 SH_E2E(L0).CS(A.0)
Process X PR CS L0 A 0 E2E 00000F86 X-PR_E2E(L0).CS(A.0)x00000F86 PR(L0)
Service X SV CS L0 A 0 E2E 00000F86 X-SV_E2E(L0).CS(A.0)x00000F86 SV(L0)
Automation X PG CS L0 A 0 E2E 00000F86 X-PG_E2E(L0).CS(A.0)x00000F86 PG(L0)
Deliverable X DL CS L0 A 0 E2E 00000F86 X-DL_E2E(L0).CS(A.0)x00000F86 DL(L0)
DataObject X DO CS L0 A 0 E2E 00000F86 X-DO_E2E(L0).CS(A.0)x00000F86 DO(L0)
Artifact X AR CS L0 A 0 E2E 00000F86 X-AR_E2E(L0).CS(A.0)x00000F86 AR(L0)
Interface X IN CS L0 A 0 E2E 00000F86 X-IN_E2E(L0).CS(A.0)x00000F86 IN(L0)
Role X RL CS L0 A 0 E2E 00000F86 X-RL_E2E(L0).CS(A.0)x00000F86


any movement on this???

Hi John 

Thanks for following up. Richard is still looking into this and will respond to you via the support ticket that was created. 

We appreciate your patience!
