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My name is Karen Clifford.  I am President of Genealogy Research Associates Inc. and I was recommended to Lucid Chart by Diahan Southard in her DNA Skills Workshop. Lucid Chart helps us map out visually complex research problems in an easy and organized manner.  Needless to say I am a beginner.  I have a question regarding 2.5" report binders.  We could like to prepare unique spine labels (2.25" x 3") for our clients with designs on the top and bottom. I have no trouble preparing the tab with Lucid Chart but what suggestion do you have for the design. Is it possible to do with Lucid Chart?  Or do you recommend I use another product for that?  

Thank you in advance.


Hi Karen

Welcome! We are happy to hear that Lucidchart has been helpful for you and your work. Thank you for posting your question in the Community - could you share a bit more about what type of design you are trying to create so I can best support you? If you'd be willing to include screenshots of your project and the tabs you've made that would be helpful as well. 

I haven't done this before but here is what I have so far.


Hi Karen 

Thanks for the response and for attaching your document with your design progress! I still need a bit more information on what you are trying to do in order to best support you. Can you please describe the type of design you are looking to create? I'd be happy to share more about our available tools and features that could support your work.

I am trying to match a design on the spine of 45 Leatherette notebook spines I am trying to mail off.  It doesn't need to be identical but look sort of like the design that I saw across from the Note Bracket I sent in the previous email but not too many flourishes as I showed in my illustration.  Is that only possible with Adobe Illustrator?

Hi Karen

Thanks for your response and for that clarification - you're designs look great so far! Lucidchart offers several tools I can suggest that could help you with your project:

  • Many users utilize Lucidchart shapes to create custom designs. For more information on how to use shapes please review this Help Center article on how to Add a Shape to Your Canvas.

  • If there's a design you'd like to replicate that is not contained in our shape libraries you can upload and create your own shapes! For more information on how to do this please check out our Work with custom shape libraries article in the Help Center. 

  • Additionally if you'd like even more design options I recommend using the Streamline icon library. They have tons of great art that you can browse and utilize! Here's the article that gives an overview on how to utilize the integration.

I hope this helps! Please let me know if you have any additional questions.
