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is there (or can one create) an automation to ingest SIPOC as created in an XLS template to generate a starting an L0 (high level) BPMN diagram? 


Hi John thanks for contributing to our community! Unfortunately it's not possible to import to a BPMN diagram. We'd love to understand more about why this functionality would be useful in your work and details about what you'd like to see with this experience. If you're willing feel free to share in this thread or via our feature request form. Apologies for any inconvenience and thanks for your feedback! 

Our workflow is typically to start process related inquiry with the SIPOC as a quick method to begin to dig into process interrogation. After that we develop an L0 level diagram expanding on the SIPOC after which we decompose that to L1-n based on need. Visio has the capability to ingest an XLS formatted process definition and create a BPMN diagram. I had hoped Lucid has similar functionality.


Hi John thanks for sharing your use case. I will pass on your comments to our development team. We do have a few different BPMN templates that you can take a look at in our Template Library. We do have the ability to create process diagrams but from CSV Import if you find that useful.

Thanks Whittney - i created a test to see the level of functionality after reviewing:
ability to create process diagrams

a) i created a very simple BPMN diagram using the BPMN standard menu shapes:

B) i used the "File > Export > CSV of Shape Data" to create a CSV file

C) I then created a new blank drawing and did: "File > Import Data"

 C.1) from the form i selected: "Process Diagram"

 C.2) "Import your data" / "choose file" and then i picked the above CSV

D) this was the result:

Not quite what I expected.


Note content of CSV:

IdNameShape LibraryPage IDContained ByGroupLine SourceLine DestinationSource ArrowDestination ArrowStatusText Area 1Text Area 2Text Area 3Text Area 4Text Area 5Comments
2PagePage 1
3PoolBPMN 2.02PoolDesign EngMfg EngProducitonQuality
4Start EventBPMN 2.023Start
5TaskBPMN 2.0231.0 Design Part
6TaskBPMN 2.0232.0 Create EBOM
7TaskBPMN 2.0233.0 Release ECN
8TaskBPMN 2.0234.0 Create MCN
9TaskBPMN 2.0235.0 Get TDP
10TaskBPMN 2.0236.0 Create Mfg. Parts
11TaskBPMN 2.0237.0 Create MBOM
12TaskBPMN 2.0238.0 Create M-BOP
13TaskBPMN 2.0239.0 Develop Production Plan
14TaskBPMN 2.02310.0 Develop Quality Control Plan
15TaskBPMN 2.02311.0 Part Tryout
16TaskBPMN 2.02312.0 PPAP
17GatewayBPMN 2.023Approved?
18TaskBPMN 2.02313.0 FAI
19TaskBPMN 2.02314.0 Production Run
20TaskBPMN 2.02315.0 Deliver Part
21Start EventBPMN 2.023End

Thanks for that update John. Unfortunately what you are trying to do is not currently supported in Lucidchart. The main usage of our BPMN functionality is for users importing their CSV into Lucidchart our functionality for manual creation and exporting of the Lucidchart data is not as robust. However we're always looking for ways to improve Lucidchart and your feedback is the best way for us to do that. Would you mind adding your idea to our feature request form? Ideas submitted to this form are passed on to the product development team for their consideration. My apologies for the inconvenience and thank you for adding your thoughts here. Let me know if you have any additional questions! 
