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I was using lucid charts and when I reached the limit on what could be done with the free version so I upgraded to the pay version. It saved and closed the floor plan I was working on. When it reopened it had grouped work I had done and it now has a yellow lock stating it has restrictions on who can work on it.

I am the only one working on it and paid for the solo package. How do I remove this yellow lock so I am able to make and regroup the floor plan? Currently I cannot copy the layout because the yellow lock is stopping me and it isn't clear how to remove it. I also confirmed I am logged in and tried closing and reopening the project.

The program also started lagging a lot when it reloaded after completing the payment.

Hi Ben thanks for posting in the Community! As a first step could you double-check that you are logged in with the email address associated with your subscription? You can check this from your User Settings page.

I also recommend reviewing our Account Types article to check the features available at your account level. If you have 'view only' access to all your charts it might be that you have exceeded the storage limit for your account type. You can check how much of your storage is being used and what it is being used by in your Account Settings under the "Plan and Billing" tab. If you have run out of storage I recommend deleting some documents to reclaim your storage. 

If none of these options resolve the problem could you please reach out to the Support team by filling in this form so we can take a closer look at the issue? Thanks!
