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I have an issue where Lucid Chart links put into Jira or Confluence do not allow me to click through to the diagram because their automatic embedding fails to load. I do not want the preview, I just want to be able to link to a Lucid Chart diagram (and click to diagrams others have linked) but I am completely blocked from doing so.


It says “Our servers experience an error” but it is not a transient error since it has been this way for weeks.


I like Lucid Chart but it is a serious limitation that I cannot link to the documents in it. I consider that a baseline functionality for any web application.


Screenshot attached


Hi @jacob8272 

If you have the Lucidchart connector integration installed in Confluence and Jira, pasting links directly onto your page or ticket will automatically turn them into the embedded version of the document. 

If you want to simply have a clickable hyperlink to your document, I would recommend linking text instead: 

Regarding the error you are seeing in the viewer, could you please tell us:

1. What browser are you using? Have you tried this on an additional browser or using an incognito or private window? 

2. Could you also try connecting to a different network or disconnecting from your VPN (if applicable)? Sometimes account performance issues can be related to internet security/speed or browser issues. 

2. What type of Confluence are you using (Cloud vs. Server vs Data Center)? If Server or Data Center, what version?

3. What version of the Lucidchart plug-in are you using?

4. Can you send me a screenshot of the Javascript console when the issue occurs? You can open your Javascript Console by pressing Ctrl + Shift + J (if your computer is a Windows / Linux) OR Cmd + Opt + J (if your computer is a Mac). 

 Thank you for your help and patience!
