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Is Visio still the only import/export format? Is the transformation 100% lossless? We don’t use Visio. I’ve stayed with ( because XML is the native file format. Images and permalinks into the app are not a reasonable substitute for a lossless file format that can be stored in version control systems.

Hi Keith thanks for posting in the Lucid Community! I'm happy to help. Good news - Lucidchart supports an import option for and XML format. To access this on your Lucid home page choose New > Lucidchart > Import >

You can also import directly into an existing document by choosing File > Import Diagram > Next you can upload your XML file which will be converted to a Lucidchart document that you can continue to edit. 

At this time exporting as an XML file is not supported but I certainly understand that this is important for your workflow. The best way to promote this to our development team is via this feature request form which utilizes valuable feedback like this when prioritizing improvements to Lucidchart. Thanks for your use case details here and apologies for any inconvenience. Please let me know if you have additional questions!
