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When I import a Visio diagram all my screen tips stop working.  Is there a work around for this problem?  I don't want to rebuild the screen tips in Lucidchart.  Can anybody please advise on a solution?




Hi Mike

Thanks for posting in the Lucidchart Community! Can you verify that the file is able to be opened correctly in Visio? If a file is the wrong file type or has some other issue that makes it an invalid file Lucidchart will not be able to import it. If the file opens in Visio can you try re-saving that file from Visio as a VSDX file and importing that file into Lucidchart? The VSDX file format is newer and re-saving from Visio can sometimes correct issues in the file itself.

If these steps do not help resolve your issue would you mind posting the following information:

  • The original Visio file (VSD/VSDM/VDX/VSDX file)

  • Screenshots of the issue that is happening

This should help us to better identify what's going on. Thanks for your help and patience.

Hi Chase

I'm working in Visio 2016 so the file is already vsdx. As you suggested I re-saved as vsdx and then imported but the screen tips still do not appear.  I've attached the location of my test Visio file for you to look at. Note: In the diagram you will see a blue icon when the mouse hovers over this icon in Visio a text message will appear but not in Lucidchart.

I hope you can help.



This is a capture of the screen tip in Visio that I need to appear in Lucidchart.



Hi Michael

Thanks for posting this screenshot and the other information! Unfortunately Lucidchart does not currently import screen tips from Visio. While many shapes and features will work as intended when imported into Lucidchart some features (such as screen tips) are not yet fully supported in the product. My apologies for the inconvenience! If you're willing we'd love it if you'd add a request for this feature to our Feature Request form. This form is shared directly with our development team and is used to help prioritize future projects and additions to the product. 

If you have any additional questions please let me know. Again apologies for this inconvenience!
